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Latinamerican Chinese European Galaxy Formation Network​ 

2023 - 2027


LACEGAL Training Event

Hands-on workshops​


  • LACEGAL + Workshop at Chile, 9-13 Dec 2024 (hosted by PUC)​

    • Topic "Deciphering the Cosmic Code for Galaxy Formation"

    • Capacity: 20/30 students; 100+ registered participants​

    • Duration: 5 days

      • funding provided by ALMA(27K euros) + LACEGAL ("solidarity funds", 10K euros)​

  • Mid-Term Review @ Barcelona, Oct 7 2024 (hosted by ICE/CSIC)​​

    • mostly in-person, but remote (zoom) connection will be provided​

  • MOCK Barcelona @ UAB Campus, Barcelona, Oct 8-11​ 2024


Recent Publications


Astronomers have taken a significant step in understanding the phenomenon of cosmic jets. By analyzing VLA-NRAO data of a protostar, they've been able to peer into the heart of a powerful jet and map its 3D magnetic field structure. This groundbreaking research reveals a helical structure, similar to a twisted rope, which plays a crucial role in collimating the jet and propelling it through space. This finding supports the idea that a single, universal mechanism may govern the formation and behavior of jets across the universe, from supermassive black holes to newborn stars. 


This work, led by Adriana Rodríguez-Kamenetzky (IATE, Argentina), who spent five months in 2024 at the ICE-CSIC as part of the LACEGAL (Latinamerican Chinese European Galaxy Formation Network) project, has been published in ApJ Letters


​N.R.C. Gomes and J.M. Torrelles, both from the ICE-IEEC, are also co-authors of this work. For more details, see also NRAO press release

WHO is involved


All Lacegal nodes and contacts in Latin America, China and Europe



Practical information about



Papers resulting from the LACEGAL RISE can be found on the Papers link above. 


Please acknowledge partial support from LACEGAL RISE by using the following sentence in your papers and talks:
"This project has received funding from the European Union’s   H
ORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01 Research and Innovation

programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement number 101086388.“

WHAT is it all about


The LACEGAL network brings together internationally recognised experts in the theory of galaxy formation and the modelling of the growth of cosmic structure. The network will allow new research collaborations to be made between the main groups working in the subject in Latin America and China, and the principal centres in computational galaxy formation and astrophysics in Europe.

Documents and Blurred Business Men



Any talk or paper resulting from the LACEGAL project should include the following text and the EU flag logo: 


The workshop has received financial support from the European Union's HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01 Research and Innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement number 101086388 - Project acronym: LACEGAL



  • EU



We've been to Durham with LACEGAL I - read all about

our project and experiences and check if you could be next

Read more

Previous network 


The Horizon Europe Staff Exchange LACEGAL III.


The Horizon 2020 RISE LACEGAL is LACEGAL-II. 


LACEGAL-I was an MSCA IRSES network funded by the EU under Framework Program 7 (PIRSES-GA-2010-269264). LACEGAL-I  supported exchanges by 136 researchers for a total period of 216 months, delivering a successful program of high impact research and produced 38 papers. 


Click here for publications from Lacegal-I (arXiv versions are open access)  











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